Thursday, November 13, 2008

The last week

It seems like time just flies by now a days. I was recording the boys today, and Tyson wanted to see. He is always curious of what is on the video camera or what the picture looks like after it is taken. So I told him when I was done we would watch the entire video on tv. I was not really sure what was on or camera so I was a little excited to see. The first thing that we saw was Tyson's 2nd birthday. He was so excited to see this. It made me a little sad, because he has grown up so much in the last 10 months. He went from being my baby to my big boy. Chad was filming the party and Tyson could hear him talking, but couldn't figure out why he couldn't see him. I thought that was so funny. As we sat there and watched Tyson got such a kick out of himself. Every sport he saw himself play on TV he wanted to put on those type of clothes. He loves sports and when he plays he has to wear the specific outfit for each sport. We also saw the day that Dillon was born. He was so tiny. Tyson asked me why he was so dirty when he came out of my belly. There were a lot of questions during this part.

I was reminded how little he was when he was born. He has grown so much over the last five months. He is still our little peanut. He is about 13lbs now. He is still wearing 0-3 month clothes. So are just 3 months, but definitely not any bigger. He learned how to roll over this week. He gets stuck sometimes and screams for help. He loves to scream and blow bubbles. He has got quite the personality all ready. There is definitely a temper inside of him. All though Chad says he is a mama's boy, his favorite person is Tyson. He loves his brother. I am so glad that I have these two sweet boys. They make me tired, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Missy said...

Cute pictures! He's good size, 13 pounds is great!
I'm excited for our date tomorrow night!

The White Clan said...

They are so dang cute! I hate that I don't see them as much as I want to. And I hope you keep up on this so that I can see those cute boys more often. Thanks for the post!