Friday, November 21, 2008

Tyson's funny story

Today I was out shopping with the boys and Tyson was talking my ear off like normal. He asked me if he could go play at his friends house today. I said not today maybe tomorrow. He didn't like that answer, and said I don't want you to be my mom. I want Anna to be my new mom. (That is his friend's mom). I said ok then you are going to have 3 brothers and 1 sister. He said ok that's fun mom. Then I told him that he was going to have to share toys, his room, and a bed. He said mom, I don't want to share my bed you can still be my mom, ok. So I guess he only wants me for his mom, because he gets his own bed.

1 comment:

The White Clan said...

At least there is a reason.. My boys would be like...."Peace!!! I am outta here!" Yeah they don't care so much.
Isn't motherhood rewarding? And think, I am so smart, I am having #4! AAAHHHHH! What was I thinking? Could you move in with me?