Thursday, November 6, 2008

What's been going on.

So, I am trying this blog thing out. I am not sure what I am doing, but I hope it won't be to hard.
Things have been a little crazy for us. We have, or I should say, Chad has been doing lots of work around our house. His newest project has been our master bath. He has been working hard for the last month on it, and I am sure by Thanksgiving it will be done. Chad is a man of many talents, and he is learning the talent of laying tile, and plumbing. This is why it is taking so long. I can't wait till it is complete. It will be beautiful when it is all done.
Tyson is 2 and going to preschool. He goes around the block to a lady in the ward. He loves it. I love it to. He is such a little smarty. He comes to the car after school, and says to me, "Mom that is a good school." He has learned so much all ready, but my favorite thing is when he says the pledge. He doesn't have all the correct words, but he makes up his own. It is so cute.
Dillon is growing. He is still tiny for his age. He will be 5 months tomorrow. We call him peanut, because he is. He is trying to roll over and is getting pretty sturdy on sitting. He loves his brother. Tyson is the one who can make him smile and laugh more than anyone.
Life is challenging with two little boys, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Missy said...

Yay! I'm glad you are now a blogger! If you need some assitance setting it up I don't mind helping.

The White Clan said...

FINALLY!!!!! Here you go, now you can see my cute kidlets, and I can see yours!